Thursday, March 25, 2010

CAT Case - Chronological sequence of events

Chronological sequence of events regarding CAT Case:

The 4th pay commission had acknowledged the arduous nature of the duties of Inspector Posts in para 10.42 and recommended higher pay scale for Inspector Posts equivalent to Inspectors in Central Excise, Income Tax and customs provided there should be element of Direct recruitment at the Inspector level (Para 10.44 ).

Extract of IV CPC recommendation:

10.42. Inspectors of Post Office in the sca1e of Rs. 425-700 hold charge of sub-divisions and their duties mainly involve inspection of sub-post offices and branch post offices. They also function as appointing authority for Group-D and extra departmental staff and are vested with disciplinary powers in respect of these categories of staff. The inspectors of the RMS have similar duties and responsibilities………….

10.43. Associations of inspectors and assistant Superintendents of post offices and RMS have requested for better pay scales in view of the arduous nature of their duties and the detailed syllabus for the examination through which they have to qualify.

10.44. The Department has proposed merger of the IPO and IRM cadres and ASPO and ASRM cadres. It has been pointed out that the duties and responsibilities of the two cadres are similar. We find that the pattern of recruitment for posts of inspector in other Central Government organisations like customs and central excise and income tax; provides for direct recruitment through staff selection commission at this level. However, in the postal department, there is no direct recruitment above the level of postal and sorting assistants, or at Group-B, level Even for the posts of postal and sorting assistant, appointment is not through any competitive examination but is based on marks secured in the matriculation examination. In other Government departments there is generally direct recruitment based on competitive examination at clerical level. In the interest of efficiency of service it is necessary to introduce on element of direct recruitment at the level of inspectors/assistant superintendents through the staff selection commission, and we recommend accordingly. If this is done and the two cadres are merged, Government may examine what scale of pay will then be suitable for these posts. Till this is done the scales recommended by us in Chapter 8 will apply.
          Higher pay scale could not be given to the Inspector Posts at that time, as the recommendation for Direct recruitment at the level of Inspector / ASP was not implemented by the Dept. of Posts.

         In the V CPC, the Dept. agreed for Direct recruitment at the level of Inspectors and hence the pay parity with Inspectors and analogous post in CBDT / CBEC were given and accordingly, the Pay scale of Inspector Posts was upgraded from Rs.1400 – 2600 to Rs.1640 – 2490 and corresponding new pay scale of Rs.5500 – 9000 was given w.e.f 01.01.1996. (Para 62.9).

Extract of V CPC recommendation:
Para 62.9 : …………………..In the chapter relating to Restructuring of Postal Services, we have already recommended that Inspectors of-Post Offices and RMS should be merged, upgraded to Rs.1640-2900 and filled 33-1/3% by direct recruitment from the inspectors Grade Examination of Staff Selection Commission…………………………..

Dept. of Posts accordingly amended the Recruitment Rules for Inspector Posts in 2001.

         Later on, the pay scales of Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT / CBEC were enhanced to the scale of Rs.6500-200-10500 in April’2004 and subsequently the pay scale of Assistants in CSS was also enhanced in Sept’2006 by the concerned Departments. But the pay scale of Inspector Posts remained unchanged. Being aggrieved by this, two OAs No. 424/06 and 211/07 were filed before Hon’ble CAT Bangalore bench by Postal Inspectors of Karnatka Circle seeking the parity with the Pay scale of Inspector Posts and Inspector in CBDT / CBEC. Since the Central Government had constituted the sixth Central Pay Commission to set right the anomalies and to recommend Pay revision in case of Central Government employees, and the said commission had not submitted its report at that time, the Hon’ble CAT disposed these OAs vide its common order dated 27.07.07 directing both the applicants and the Respondents to take up the issue immediately before sixth Pay Commission with the copy of its order.

       The demand of Parity in pay scales of Inspector Posts and Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) was approved by the sixth Central Pay commission and the commission in Para 7.6.14 of its final report, recommended the following :

       “Postal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a higher pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) on the ground that they are recruited through the same examination. The Commission is recommending the merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500- 10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on par with Assistants in CSS/Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC. With this upgradation , Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent (Posts) [ASPOs]. ASPOs shall, accordingly, be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4600..………

         The above recommendation was accepted by the Govt. Of India and the same was published in the Gazette of India, No.304 dated 29.08.2008 (Resolution) and according to this Inspector Posts was upgraded in the Pre-revised Pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 at par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and placed in the Revised Pay Scale of Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2)with Grade pay Rs.4200 w.e.f 01.01.2006, as per Sl.13 of revised pay scale table shown in Part A of Annex-I of the said Gazette Notification.

          Later on, Ministry of Finance vide OM F.No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.2009, granted the grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2 in revised pay structure to the posts that existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4200 in the Pay band PB-2 . Accordingly, the Grade Pay of Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC are upgraded to Rs.4600. But no action taken by the Dept. of Posts to upgrade the same for Inspector of Posts.
        It is to mention that Inspector Posts was brought on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC and upgraded to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f 01.01.2006.  With this upgradation, ASPOs (Promotion post of Inspector Posts) was placed in the next higher pre-revised Pay scale of Rs.7450-11500, which also proves the claim that the Inspector Posts was upgraded in pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f 01.01.2006.

        Again, vide Memo. No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 16th November 2009 of Ministry of Finance, the benefit of upgradation of grade pay Rs 4600/- was extended to Assistants and personal Assistants of CSS, AFHQ, IFS ‘B’, and Railway Board Secretariat Service and their counterpart Stenographer Services also. In para 4 of the said OM, it is stated that “ one of the reasons due to which Assistants of Central Secretariat are being granted grade pay of Rs.4600 is the fact that there is an element of direct recruitment to the post and that too through an All India Competitive Examination.” Based on this order, the concerned Departments have issued the order for upgradation. It is a fact that Inspector Posts was brought on par with Assistants in CSS by Govt. of India as per the recommendation of the sixth central pay commission, and the Inspector Posts also has the element of direct recruitment to the post and that too through same All India Competitive Examination conducted by Staff Selection Commission.

           In the clarification given by Department of Expenditure vide No.MOF, D/o Expenditure, IC U.O No. 10/1/2010-IC dated 27.01.2010, regarding Pay fixation of Assistants / PAs in Ministry of Pertoleum and Natural Gas, it is stated that “In cases of upgradation of Posts as a result of recommendation of sixth CPC, the Grade Pay corresponding to the upgraded post is to be added.”
           The Grade Pay corresponding to the Pre-revised Pay Scale of Rs.6500-10500 is Rs.4600 as per the MOF OM F.No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.09. Hence, in case of Inspector Posts, the Grade Pay of the upgraded Post (Rs.6500-10500 ) i.e Rs.4600 should be given.

         Also, HSG –II cadre and BCR officials who are being supervised by Inspector Posts are placed on par by placing them in grade pay Rs.4200 w.e.f 1.1.2006. The principle of supervisor should get more pay than the supervised is to be followed and the level hierarchy should be maintained by placing Inspector Posts in the grade pay of Rs.4600 and above the HSG-II and BCR officials .



  1. Well done Permanand for through study. Keep up.I also request you to study the fixation point on similar lines of Asstt.of CSS once the GP of 4600 is agreed.

  2. Seeing this , i firmly believe that this time we are going to get the Justice. We have sufficient grounds. We should appreciate the work of Mr. Paramananda

  3. Hey! Please don't stop after appreciating Mr.Permanand, kindly send ur contributions that is required for filing the case. Also I request mr.permanand to kindly display the list of officials in the blog,who have contributed, so that it would encourage others also to do so...


  4. nice. During the evidence before the VI Pay commission, i refered all the points raised by you in a powewr point.

    Court only understand our problems.

    we will win the race.

    General Secretary

  5. Supreme Court in many cases denied intervention on parity issue except violation of Article 14 of the Constitution of India on the ground that parity of pay is subject matter of expert bodies/pay commissions. OA 164/2009 will be helpful to PI also. Further, 6cpc specifically recommended parity of pay of PI with Assistant of CSS, the case could be disposed of even in admission stage. Before that a representation to Communication Minister would be more appropriate to book postal culprits.

  6. Reply to ABC: In my opinion list of officials who donated should not be displayed.As some of the Sr.ASPOs/Gr.B officers are against the CAT case.i.e. against the 4600 GP to IPOs due to jealously.They don't like to see IPOs 4600 G.P. on par with them(ASPOs-4600)or near to SPOs-4800.Suppose if I (as a SDI) donate against the wishes of ASP(HQ)/SPOs/SSPOs and my name is displayed then i may be targeted for one or another reason.There are many ways to target IPOs by SPOs/SSPOs.Hence it will be better to display C.O. wise list of the no. of IPOs/ASPOs who have donated (i.e. without name).This will be sufficient to encourage the willing IPOs/ASPOs.

  7. The Indian Postal Service officers have already decided not to give promotion beyond the level of Sr.Postmaster to the IPs/ASPs. The so called decision making IPoS officers are really spoiling the department with corrupt motive and to get more promotions to themselves. The new services introduced of late are the few exambles for their knowledge. These officers could give statements only about the revenue of the new services by conveniently hiding the expenditure (eg. Logistic Service) for the sake of one PMG's post. There are so may Balis (CPMG Maharastra) in this department. Therefore, nothing more than this could be expected from these IPos officers.

  8. What happened at AIC at Delhi?.Any discussion on merger/GP of 4600 for IPOs.What points are spoken by D.G.?

  9. Any update on merger of IP and ASP cadre for IP grade pay upgrade to Rs 4600 in the AIC? Please update for all anxious inspectors on this blog

  10. Any idea of announcement at AIC Delhi reg.GP 4600 issue.Pl.update progress on issue of GP or CAT case.

  11. Proposal is being submitted by the Association to the Dept. regarding Grade Pay today as per the Tmilnadu blog. But the details of the proposal is not known.

  12. Rajasthan blog mentions that in AIC, it has been decided by majority to adopt merger of IP/ASP cadre if need arises. Any idea on what is the content of the proposal being submitted by the Association to the dept ?

  13. (Extract from IRM / ASRM Association)
    In the Open session of All India Association of Inspectors & ASPs, Selvi Radika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of Posts assured to re submit the proposal of upward revision of Grade pay in respect of Inspectors , ASPs, and Supdt for Rs 4600, 4800, 5400 respectively with full justification to the Minsitry of Finanace. Further she informed the need for proper justification to monitor the proposal at Finance Ministry.

  14. It is learnt that Directorate called the Association officials for discussion on GP upgradation on 5/4/2010. The association has submitted a proposal to the directorate.( Source: Andra blog of Ip and ASp). THE CHQ is as usual has no information. Is anyone aware of the details of the proposal?

  15. Extract from IP/ASP Andhra Blog :
    Wednesday, April 7, 2010
    Latest news on Cadre merger and Grade Pay
    A team consisting of Shri. S.Samuel, the outgoing General Secretary, Shri.Roop Chand, the incoming General Secretary, Shri. S.Ravi out going CHQ Treasurer , Shri. Jeet Ram incoming CHQ Treasurer , Ms.T.V.Sundari, Asst.General Secretary and Shri.R.D.Sharma, Delhi Circle Secretary called on Ms.Radhika Doraiswamy , Secretary (Posts), Ms. Indira Krishna Kumar, Member (Personnel) DDG(Estt.) and DDG (P)on 05th April 2010. A detailed discussion was held with DDG(Estt.) and other officers on merger of the posts of IP& ASP and upgradation of Grade Pay to Rs 4600 and concluded. The file is being submitted again to Ministry of Finance.

    It is not clear, whether the proposal is bieng sent for merger or for 4600/4800/5400 collectively?

  16. Proposal for merging IP/ASP cadre is likely to be forwarded by Directorate shortly. Designation may be Inspectors/Sr. Inspectors only. All may be gazetted or non-gazetted. Problem in recruitment of direct IPs (whether through SSC or UPSC. problem in percentage of direct quota (whether 33% or 17.50%) as it may affect future of Postal assistants. All confusion !!!. God and Department may save the cadre.

  17. As per the clarification provided to ministry of Petroleum in respeect of PAs GP, it is clear that IPOs must get 4600 GP w.e.f. 1.1.2006. But the DOP in connivance with some elements in Association may merge both IP/ASP GPs not from 1.1.06.Intention of DOP officers seems to harm IPOs financially. My friends,I fear no body will fight for the GP of 4600 for IPOs w.e.f. 1.1.06.

  18. Any news on when the merger proposal of Ip/ASP will be submitted to MOF by the dept?

  19. The proposal may go to MOF within 1or 2 days. ASPs may remain as ASPs with gaz. status and IPs may remain as IPS without gaz. status !
    Even after merger, there may be 2 nomenclature !
    DR quote IPs may remain as 33% of total strength of IPs/ASPs !
    confusion ! ok
    Let us hope for best and pray for best of luck to this cadre !

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  21. Any update on whether the merger of IP/ASP cadre and upgradation of GP to 4600 been submitted to MOF? All inspectors are anxiously waiting for GP upgradation.

  22. File can not be cleared within 6 months as the lobby behind IPOs GP 4600 is very weak.

  23. Are we going to wait for the dept to submit the merger proposal to MOF? How long is that going to take? Till then we will not file the case in CAT? What is the chance of the merger proposal being approved by MOF?

  24. Hi friends, I am to join as Inspector on the basis of Graduate level exam 2008 of SSC. presently I am working at an autonomous body of Central Govt. as Assistant with 4200/- G.P. & 2 increments. As there is possibility of 4600/- G.P. to Inspector, plz suggest whether I should join as Inspector. Plz also tell about days of duty in a week,bonus, honorarium, deptt. exam elegibility, future pospect, work load etc. wating of reply.

  25. Hi friends, I am to join as Inspector on the basis of Graduate level exam 2008 of SSC. presently I am working at an autonomous body of Central Govt. as Assistant with 4200/- G.P. & 2 increments. As there is possibility of 4600/- G.P. to Inspector, plz suggest whether I should join as Inspector. Plz also tell about days of duty in a week,bonus, honorarium, deptt. exam elegibility, future pospect, work load etc. wating of reply.

  26. If u want to know the details, Kindly give your details at

  27. Sir I have put all my quarries on you email address. plz suggest me.

  28. I believe in God & in Unity Ips must get 4600/-G.P. w.e.f.retrospective date. It is surprised once when I read blog for demand of 4600/- G.P. I had appriciated & supported Inspector for fight of genuine demand of 4600/-GP and now I have become IPs through SSC.

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  33. The so called decision making IPoS officers are really spoiling the department with corrupt motive and to get more promotions to themselves. The new services introduced of late are the few exambles for their knowledge. These officers could give statements only about the revenue of the new services by conveniently hiding the expenditure (eg. Logistic Service) for the sake of one PMG's post

  34. The so called decision making IPoS officers are really spoiling the department with corrupt motive and to get more promotions to themselves. The new services introduced of late are the few exambles for their knowledge. These officers could give statements only about the revenue of the new services by conveniently hiding the expenditure (eg. Logistic Service) for the sake of one PMG's post

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  36. All Inspector Who are selected through SSC qualification then how we are treated as other while giving preference we just come to know that only difference is that some posts are field work while others are desk job as we are in field work so we deserve equal grade pay as other Inspetor post of other department....Ajay Singh Chouhan.
