Monday, April 19, 2010

CAT Case for Grade Pay hike of Inspector Posts has been filed

Dear friends,
       CAT Case related to Grade Pay issue of Inspector Posts has been filed at Ernakulam Bench on 16.04.2010 (Diary No.313/2010) and the scrutiny of the OA is over. The OA No. could not be allotted on that day, as only one bench was sitting. However, it has been intimated by the advocate that the copy of the Original Application (OA) has already been handed over to the Standing Counsel of the Respondents on the very same day. After summer vacation, the Tribunal will open on 17.05.10.



  1. Thanks for the initiative. We may hope that the Dept. will take decision early and the the Grade Pay issue will be settled.

  2. Dept. has only one month to act. Next month, the proceedings at CAT will start. Let's hope for the best.

  3. Thanks. Now, we can say that we are not dependent on the Association's stand / move. The people/group will care more about you, if you show that you are not dependent on them.

  4. The dept is likely to send file for GP upgradation of IP to MOF by the end of this week. ( Source: Orissa blog of IP/ASP)

  5. Thanks for the initiative and hard work of Shri Parmanand kumar

  6. Thanks for the initiative . The Union is becoming a white elephant and busy with some filmy nature of work . Union fails to focus on the increasing work load on the Unit Head .The sub-Division should be reorganised .

  7. Dear friends,
    There are many points to focus/discuss in this regard :-
    1. What is the exact nature of contents which the department has allegedly sent to MOF regarding the hike in GP of IP?(as per IP/ASP Orissa branch circle blog) DO any one know? Was it the same old story?(ie. clubbing the ASP/SP cadre also ) or only the hike in IP scale ?
    2. Other thing is that how can we expect the dept to speedup the case when the case is filed at CAT. They will simply tell us(Association/union) to wait till the outcome of the CAT case is received. (this may result delay in finalisation of the case for atleast a year)
    3. If the outcome is in favour of IP, then there is no need for us to depend on the union to request the dept again and again. ok.
    4. on the other hand, if the outsome is negative for IP, then????????.
    5. Also there is a chance that the dept may bargain us to withdraw the case to enable them to forward the case to MOF for hike in GP of IP,
    6. In such a scenario, we must ask the department to take up the case of IP grade pay only. Or we must ask the department to merge both cadre(IP & ASP ) and then send the file to MOF. There is no use to send the file again and again to MOF containing the hike proposal for IP as well as ASP and SP. Isn't it?.
    Please read it and comment

  8. Thanks for the analysis. Our goal is to get Grade Pay of Rs.4600 for Inspector Posts w.e.f 01.01.2006 with difference of arrears. At present nothing is clear.Even the Association is not giving the clear picture about the content of the proposal being sent to the MOF. In such situation, how can we wait for so long ? CAT Case is filed for the higher Gdare Pay only and not against merger of IP/ASP. Hence there is no hurdle for the Dept. as far as the CAT Case is concerned. First Respondent in the case is Secretary, Ministry of Finance. Let them clear their stand first.

  9. Thanks for the initiative of permanand.We should salute permanand for his daring.

  10. Any news on whether the file for merger of IP/ASP cadre and enhancement of GP of Ips to 4600 been sent to MOF? All Ips are anxiously waiting for this.

  11. No information in any of the Association blog.

  12. File for upgradation /merger can not move unless intructions issued by CAT TO DOP.Hence stand taken by Permanand is 101% correct. We can only hope on the CAT decision.

  13. It's good to approach CAT for higher GP for IPs.
    It's learnt that the IP/ASP Association, after passing the resoluation for merger of IPs/ASPs in their All India Conference at Delhi, requested the deptt.for merger(as per association web blog).
    It is also learnt that the merger file is still under examination. (After the so called merger, the IPs may remain as IPs w/o gaz. status with 33% direct quota & ASPs may remain as ASP with gaz. status etc..............)
    God may bless all & the cadre.

  14. It seems that the file for merger of IP/ASP cadre will die in the dept itself instead of moving to MOF. I fail to understand tht even after such proloned debate and passing resolution in AIC on this crucial issue, why is the association silent on it? GP upgradation is the most critical issue for our cadre. Yet the association is focussing on frivolous issues. Look at other associations of Inspectors of CBDT and CDEC. After getting GP of 4600, they are now fighting for cadre review and time bound promotion. A high powered committee is looking into the issue. But look at our association. Our association is responsible for the poor state of Postal inspectors. I hink we should go for a mass strike as done by CBDT/CBEC inspectors. Once the Ips stop working then the dept will understand our importance and start taking action. Strike seems to be the only option .

  15. You just look around and find out how many persons are willing to go for even a token strike. We should take the decisions very carefully. Hope you will understand the present position.

  16. Premanad please let us know your views on IPs going for a token strike/ no-work for a few hours every day till GP is increased. Since the association is totally silent, we now need to take gradedcviolent steps to achieve our demand. CBDT/CBEC have got it almost 6 months back. How long can we waait?

  17. Daer Mr. Anonymous ( May 5, 2010 3:35 AM)
    What you are saying is correct. Some collective strong action from our side is required. At the same time U pls. see how many persons are ready for even a token strike or for mass leave protest. Forget about others, if U are that much daring, you should express your views openly and try to convince others also. Hiding your identity and motivating others will not work. Strike notice cannot be given by any individual. However mass leave protest may be thought of.As far as legal option is concerned, the Tribunal is opening on 17th May and the case may be posted within one or two days after that. Hope U will understand. Please, don't take my views otherwise.

  18. what is the latest postion plz uptodate on net.

  19. our association is become outdated
    now. We should restructure the organisation, at present it has become unuseful. It is high time for going forward. We all are with Mr. Permanand
