Monday, March 1, 2010

CAT Case regarding IPOs grade Pay, is proposed to be filed on 09.03.2010

Dear friends,    
          As we had decided, the the Grade Pay case of IPOs  has been discussed with one of the senior Advocate at Ernakulam (Kerala) on 26.02.2010 (Friday) with all the relevant documents. Senior advocate is convinced that we have a valid point and the justice may be sought from the Hon’ble CAT. However, some of the additional documents have been asked by him to strengthen our case, which are listed below :-
(i) Govt. order issued in April,2004 to increase the pay scale of Incepctor Central Excise / Income Tax from Rs.5500-175-9000 to Rs.6500-200-10500.
(ii) Govt. order issued in Sept,2006 to increase the pay scale of Assistant Garde (CSS) from Rs.5500-175-9000 to Rs.6500-200-10500.
(iii) Order ossued by Central Excise / Income Tax Dept. enhancing the Grade Pay of their Inspectors from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 on the basis of MOF OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.09
(iv) Copy of the OA No. 424/06 and 211/07 filed by Inspectors Posts, Karnatka Circle at CAT, Bangalore bench in 2006-07
(v) Dept. of Posts order accepting Govt. of India order in respect of Para 7.14 of 6th CPC recommendation.
      We are trying to get all the documents mentioned above at the earliest. Your cooperation in this regard is requested. Relevant information may be given through email at or at mobile 09349049801. The proposed date for filing the case is 09.03.2010 (Tuesday).

Note: I have resigned from the membership of Circle Working Committee (CWC), Kerala Circle and also from the primary membership of All India Assocition of Inspectors and Asst. Superintendents of Posts on 01.03.2010. This is for information.


  1. Dera Permanand,
    Go ahead . We are with you.

  2. I think, maximum support will be given for this cause, as the association is only spoiling our prospects. All India meeting of the Association is in the Month of April, and it is not clear in which way the assocition will proceed. we want early disposal with arrears w.e.f 01.01.2006.

  3. We all Direct IPOs should support without any second thought.

  4. Not only direct IPOS,PROMOTEE IPOs are very much willing to donate.

  5. Well. keep it up!.
    Divide and Rule-- This is what the deptt.'s mantra!

  6. Dear Permanand

    If the Association is not opting for merger, then why one single assn. we will break this association into 2 as IP and ASP. Come on unity is strength. Don't believe in IP-TN comment. GS has not committed anything till now.

  7. It is learnt that file for merger has been moved to MOF?Is it true?

  8. Friends please confirm whether file regarding merger of Ip and ASP has been sent to MOF by the dept. Please ask the respective circle GS regarding the matter.

  9. Is there any update on the merger proposal of IP and ASp cadre?

  10. GS should disclose the merger plan. He is well aware of the facts & future course of action by DOP.However he is waiting till Ist week of April-10 .mOST PROBABLY HE WILL RESIGN FROM THE POST AND JOIN THE PSS GR. B ASSOCIATION AS THEY ARE ONLY EQUIVALENT CADRE WITH OTHER GR. B.IPOs are yesterdays CLERKS and hence not comparable with other Inspectors.

  11. You should no that in 4th , 5th and 6th pay commission notification and Govt resolution are showing that all inspector’s pay scale were same . This is a historical parity ---and CAT (more than CAT order) order showing hat no one can destroy historical parity.
    And Mr.Anonymous do you know work nature of Central Excise , IT inspectors ? not yesterday ,in present day they also working as CLERK ….

  12. You should know that in 4th , 5th and 6th pay commission notification and Govt resolution are showing that all inspector’s scale were same . This is a historical parity ---and CAT (more than CAT order) order showing hat no one can destroy historical parity.
    And Mr. do you know work nature of Central Excise , IT inspectors ? not yesterday , present day they also working as clerk ….
    And from your comment it is clear that you know about future steps of our GS . So please ask him about merger . We have no interest about it.

  13. Dear Chndrakant,
    Pay commission recommended that IPOs has parity with Income tax Inspectors/Central Excise etc. and same has been accepted by the Government. Agreed?.The proposal was sent to MOF for upgradation of GP of IPOs to 4600, ASPOs to 4800 SPOs to 5400 by the DOP despite existence of GP of 4800 to the Supdt. of Income tax/C.EXISE. The MOF has rejected the proposal. It is learnt that there is no mention in the MOF remark that IPOs are not comparable with Income tax Inspectors/Central Excise.Further I would like to bring in your kind notice that when the Pay commission team was on study tour and higher pay scale was discussed with justification by our Association representatives .The work load etc was compared with other equivalent posts . This was shown on slide show to Pay commission team . At this point one of the Pay commission member had told to Association representatives that IPOs are not comparable with the Income tax Inspectors/Central Excise etc .You can refer this matter in the old periodical published by the Association.The remark of MOF that IPOs are not comparable with income tax Inspectors etc.appears manipulated & it has been copied from earlier discussion with Pay commission team and same is being circulated as a remark passed by MOF. The actual fact appears different.

  14. It is learnt from the blog of Andra IP/ASP that "Upgradation of grade pay of IP, ASP & Gr.B file re-submitted to MOF by dept on 2.3.2010 with strong recommendations (source from G.S) - Circle Secretary"
    CAn someone from Andra circle please confirm whether merger proposal of Ip/ASP is contained in this file sent by dept to MOF?

  15. It is obvious that again the combined proposal for IP, ASP and SP for GP of Rs.4600, 4800 and 5400, has been sent. Hence, nothing will materialise. There is a possibility, when the assocition will ask for merger and the Dept. will not agree. We should move to CAT at the earliest. We should support the move taken by some of our friends from Kerala circle.

  16. Why no information is being given by the All India Association on their blog. It seems that our GS is still trying for GP of Rs.5400 for SPOs taking undue advantage of his GS post and spoiling the case of IPOs. GS is doing somthing secretely. The association led by our present GS cannot be believed. We all should leave the Association as Permanand did in Kerala circle.

  17. Why no information is being given by the All India Association on their blog. It seems that our GS is still trying for GP of Rs.5400 for SPOs taking undue advantage of his GS post and spoiling the case of IPOs. GS is doing somthing secretely. The association led by our present GS cannot be believed. We all should leave the Association as Permanand did in Kerala circle.

  18. U are correct. GS is trying to misleading all IPOs/ASPOs. One Mr. Peter had earlier told in the blog that he is acting like Jinnah who created Pakistan.

  19. Shall we go ahead with

    "QUIT ASSOCIATION MOVEMENT" ????????????????????????????????



  22. First we should concentrate on our fight for GP of Rs.4600 and CAT is the only visible way now. So we should support the kerala people, who are approaching CAT Ernakulam bench.

  23. Respose for filing the CAT case is not as per the expectation. Holy festival may be one of the reason. I again appeal all my frinds and colleagues to involve actively and also to contribute in the new savings account bearing number 31074715151, opened at SBI Kaloor branch (IFS code-SBIN0008621) in the name of Mr. CHANDRAKANTA PALADHI (Direct recruitee, 2007 batch), working at RO Kochi.
    Hoping for the cooperation.

  24. There is every possibility of misleading the entire system if the case is moved for the benefit of Direct recruitee alone. The CAT may not admit at all. It is a fact, there is an element of DR once, the next time they will also be promottees. They cannot remain always as DR, that is possible only in the entry level. Further in the fixations done by MOF and other Ministries there is no discrimination for Direct Recruitees and Promottees. In the event of filing case exclusively for the Direct Recruittees of IPOs alone, I have nothing to say, it is the fate of people, the CAT cannot overrule the Supreme Court judgements that will weak your positions.

    Further, there are many anonymous postings. They are not even willing to reveal their identity. I again reiterate your points are week, try to correct and convince the advocate also and give importane to these two points:

    1. Not only GP 4600 with fixation as is being done by different Ministries.

    2. Try to avoid the demand exclusively for Direct Recruitee IPOs. Let it be common.

    The above two points are more important, if you are unable to understand, you may have to suffer later.
    Best of luck.

    Hope for the best result.

  25. Dear Permanand,
    The say of Gopal appears correct. The legal fight for GP of 4600 as well as dixation of 1.86x6500 wef 1.1.06 should be for all IPOs (DR+Promotees).If you are planning to fight only for the benbifit of DR IPOs then you should not appeal for donation from Promotee IPOs/ASPOs.I request you to clear this stand in this blog.Further it is learnt that Association has again written to DG against the merger of IP/ASP.There is no hope on merger. We can only win through CAT.

  26. Dear Mr.Anonymous,
    I can give you the fixations done by Ministry for the assistants who were in pre-5500-9000 in the scale 7450-11,500 fixing at the minimum. Hence, demand must be for the GP4600 with fixation in 7450-11,500. There are many CAT judgements. I can give you. Further, if you are filing exclusively for the DR IPO,against the stand of the existing rules, you will not get any positive judgements. There are many supreme court judgements for same treatment for promottees also which cannot be overlooked by a CAT even principal bunch. Moreover, there are promotees, they will not keep quite. So please try to understand the reality and avoid drift between promottees and DRs which will no way benefit Mr.Permanand.

    In the event of filing Exclusively for DR alone, I have no other alternative than to protect the promottees and file petition in the same CAT to hear promottees case also with your case.
    Hope for the best.

  27. Dear Gopal,
    It appears that you have detected new point. If the case is for Direct IPOs the promotees are not at all going to support.Further if you are sure that the CAT case is exclusively for DR IPOs ,you can talk to Permanand & convince him.What is harm in talking if India and Pakistan can talk even after Mumbai Bomb blast or many wars. The CAT case should be common for DR/Promotees.
    Hope permanand will understand.

  28. Mr.Anonymous,
    Now a days, every body is afraid to talk even welfare measures. The people think only political angle. I have no political link. If I talk to anyone, they may think that I am in another group. Why unnecessarily we burn our fingers. What is the reality, I mentioned. It is upto them. But Mr.Permanand is so particular to file the case exclusively for DR IPOs wbich in no way benefit the employees in toto and winning the case also is doubtful as there is no logic in it. Even nowadays the CAT has ruled that seniority is not a fundamental right. If he is young, let him try and experience in this field.

  29. Dear Gopal & Permanad,
    What is wrong if knowledge is shared?What will happen if all IPOs are benifited?All will be happy. As per Permanand's appeal for donation there is no mention of DR/Promotee isuue. I request both of you to talk and discuss what is wrong & what is right before approaching CAT.You are also correct that due to Political angle the hurdle for GP to 4600 to IPOs has been created.

    All the best

  30. Mr.Permanand ,
    Please clear the air on DR/Promotee issue raised by Mr. Gopal.Is it correct?


  31. Dear friends,
    I am reproducing here two last paragraphs of Mr.Permanad written to DG which clearly shows his intention to take up case only for Promottees and in the event of filing case, it automatically benefit only to the Direct recruitees. The very quotig of MOF letter dated 16.11.2009 since in the CSS itself there are promotees and DRs and both are getting the benefits. Any way, I am not adding anything, simply reproducing his two paragraphs to kwnow whether he is filing for Direct Recruitees or including for promottees.
    5. In Memo. No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 16th November 2009 of Ministry of Finance, the benefit of upgradation of grade pay Rs 4600/- has been extended to Assistants and personal Assistants of CSS, AFHQ, IFS ‘B’, and Railway Board Secretariat Service and their counterpart Stenographer Services also. The true copy of the same is attached as Annexure-IV. In para 4 of the said OM, it is stated that “ one of the reasons due to which Assistants of Central Secretariat are being granted grade pay of Rs.4600 is the fact that there is an element of direct recruitment to the post and that too through an All India Competitive Examination.” Based on this order, the concerned Departments have issued the order for upgradation. It is a fact that Inspector Posts was brought on par with Assistants in CSS by Govt. of India as per the recommendation of the VIth pay commission, and the Inspector Posts has also the element of direct recruitment to the post and that too through an All India Competitive Examination.

    6. Also, HSG –II cadre and BCR officials who are being supervised by Inspector Posts are placed on par by placing them in grade pay Rs.4200 w.e.f 1.1.2006. The principle of supervisor should get more pay than the supervised is to be followed and the level hierarchy should be maintained by placing Inspector Posts in the grade pay of Rs.4600 and above the HSG-II and BCR officials

    In view of the above facts, Inspector Posts not only qualifies but deserves to be granted the higher grade pay of Rs.4600. As Assistants in CSS, Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC have already been granted higher grade of Rs.4600, Inspector Posts alone is left behind. In order to keep our morale up, it is necessary to revise the grade pay of Inspector Posts to Rs.4600, otherwise I will be put to irreparable loss and injury.
    I think I have naratted what is the intention of Mr.Premanand.

  32. Dear friends,
    The first two sentences of my above comments have occured some error which may please be read as under:
    I am reproducing here two last paragraphs of Mr.Permanad' draft letter prepared for sending to DG of posts which clearly shows his intention to take up case for Direct Recruitees and in the event of filing case, it automatically benefits only the Direct recruitees, if the case is admitted. The very quotig of MOF letter dated 16.11.2009 itself is wrong, since in the CSS itself there are promotees and DRs and both are getting the benefits of stepping up and other benefits even fixation (7450x1.86+4600).

  33. I request all not to separate Direct and Departmental IPOs. Once the Direct Recruitee joined the Dept., they are in the same gradatin list and juniors cannot get more pay than that of senoirs.
    I want to clarify the following points :
    (i)We will fight for the parity with the CBDT / CBEC Inspectors and Assistants in CSS and for the Pre-revised Pay scale of Rs.6500 and corresponding Grase pay of Rs.4600.

    (ii) After dicussion with the Advoacte and verification of the Documents, it is clear that As of now, Postal Inspectors are not covered under the MOF OM dated 13.11.09, as it clearly says that, Rs.4600 GP is given to those who were having PRE-REVISED Pay scale of Rs.6500. Postal Inspectors were upgraded to the scale of Rs.6500 as on 01.01.2006,i.e the REVISED pay scale is Rs.6500 and not the PRE-REVISED.
    We should fight for the PRE-REVISED Pay Scale Of Rs.6500, otherwise fixation will not be done at Rs.6500x1.86. It can be seen that fixation in all the Departments are done as per the PRE-REVISED Pay scale only and not as per the REVISED Pay scale. For example, Section officers PAY Scale revised to Rs.7500 from Rs.6500, but the fixation is done as per the actual drawings (In the scale of Rs.6500)and not as per the revised pay. Grade pay corresponding to the Revised Pay scales are given to the Dirtect Recruitee.

    (iii) As far as contribution for CAT case is concerned, we had requested to all the willing persons. Direct IPOs are responding more as they (including me) are feeling degraded before their counterparts in Central Exice, I.Tax.etc, even after coming through the same examination and getting no less marks (In SSC,2008 Result, the last cutoff marks for Postal Inspctor was 433, whereas for Central Exice, it was 423 only.)

    Hoping that all will undersatnd the present situation and will support us (other than financially also).

  34. I request all not to separate Direct and Departmental IPOs. Once the Direct Recruitee joined the Dept., they are in the same gradatin list and juniors cannot get more pay than that of senoirs.
    I want to clarify the following points :
    (i)We will fight for the parity with the CBDT / CBEC Inspectors and Assistants in CSS and for the Pre-revised Pay scale of Rs.6500 and corresponding Grase pay of Rs.4600.

    (ii) After dicussion with the Advoacte and verification of the Documents, it is clear that As of now, Postal Inspectors are not covered under the MOF OM dated 13.11.09, as it clearly says that, Rs.4600 GP is given to those who were having PRE-REVISED Pay scale of Rs.6500. Postal Inspectors were upgraded to the scale of Rs.6500 as on 01.01.2006,i.e the REVISED pay scale is Rs.6500 and not the PRE-REVISED.
    We should fight for the PRE-REVISED Pay Scale Of Rs.6500, otherwise fixation will not be done at Rs.6500x1.86. It can be seen that fixation in all the Departments are done as per the PRE-REVISED Pay scale only and not as per the REVISED Pay scale. For example, Section officers PAY Scale revised to Rs.7500 from Rs.6500, but the fixation is done as per the actual drawings (In the scale of Rs.6500)and not as per the revised pay. Grade pay corresponding to the Revised Pay scales are given to the Dirtect Recruitee.

    (iii) As far as contribution for CAT case is concerned, we had requested to all the willing persons. Direct IPOs are responding more as they (including me) are feeling degraded before their counterparts in Central Exice, I.Tax.etc, even after coming through the same examination and getting no less marks (In SSC,2008 Result, the last cutoff marks for Postal Inspctor was 433, whereas for Central Exice, it was 423 only.)

    Hoping that all will undersatnd the present situation and will support us (other than financially also).

  35. What mr.Permanand says is totally true and genuine. The last 2 paras does not do any harm to the promotees. moreover, mr permanand is not fighting only for DR. He is fighting for IPs as a whole. Even in any case there cannot be a situation wherein Direct IP is given 4600 and promotee IP is given 4200. So nothing to worry. I think Mr.Gopal is having other intentions which is very obvious in his comments. I don't even believe in his identity. If his identity is correct let him give his full details and mobile no. in this blog so that we will confirm.

  36. Mr. GOPAL--Instead of finding fault, try to do something constructive. Help someone has reveal ur identity??

  37. Mr. Gopal why are u creating hurdle between DR & Promotee IPO. Mr. Permanan has not demanded any thing special exclusively for DR.

  38. Dear friends,
    I have no intention as Mr.Anonymous doubted. . I have atleast a name.Whereas Mr.anonymous shouted at 10.36 asked my identity and for him there is no name at all. So I am helpless to reveal my identity more than my name. Further, my intention is positive and even if you file for direct recruitees and promotees, I don't have any greivances at all because I am not an IPO. I have made many times the same doubt from the draft representation which he made. I am happy that he has clarified. The purpose of Mr.permanand is now beyond any doubt. Such a steps taken by Mr.Permanad, the employees will always be with you. But in my opinion, you would have replied this little bit early. Though it is delayed, my purpose is served and clarified. I am ready to co-operate Mr.Permanad for this and future similar ventures though I am not IPO. Thank you very much Mr.Permanand and go ahead.
    With regards

  39. Thank u gopal, I love u

  40. GS IRM/ASRM AssociationMarch 8, 2010 at 8:58 AM

    Today only i come to know u r web site. At present, the file for upgrading pay scale was forwarded to Finance Ministry.please wait for 2 weeks. with in that time we will get final result.
    I am having the required documents. If u needed i will sent to u.
    we are having strong case. we will get the benefit from1.1.2006. if you need further assistance feel free to contact me 09383472266.
    today i filled a case aganst the Department for denying the AAO promotions to our cadre men.The CAT chennai ordered notice.
    General Secretary
    IRM Association.

  41. I think we should wait for two weeks as suggested. If the file has already been submitted to MOF, we should wait for the result, for one or two weeks.

  42. Dear,M.Mohanarangam, General Secretary,IRM Association
    Thnanks for the support shown to us. Actually, we require some documents related to the Previous Pay Commissions. The details are shown in the Blog Posting dated 08.03.10. If possible, kindly send the relevant documents through email or by post at the following address :
    Permanand Kumar
    ASP(BD), O/o PMG, Northern Region Calicut,
    P.O: Nadakkavu

  43. Dear, Sri M.Mohanarangam, General Secretary,IRM Association
    Thnanks for the support shown to us. Actually, we require some documents related to the Previous Pay Commissions. The details are shown in the Blog Posting dated 08.03.10. If possible, kindly send the relevant documents through email or by post at the following address :
    Permanand Kumar
    ASP(BD), O/o PMG, Northern Region Calicut,
    P.O: Nadakkavu

  44. Dear, Sri M.Mohanarangam, General Secretary,IRM Association
    Thnanks for the support shown to us. Actually, we require some documents related to the Previous Pay Commissions. The details are shown in the Blog Posting dated 08.03.10. If possible, kindly send the relevant documents through email or by post at the following address :
    Permanand Kumar
    ASP(BD), O/o PMG, Northern Region Calicut,
    P.O: Nadakkavu

  45. If mr.Mohanarangam fights and helps us then we assure that all of us will be joining his association. In the coming verification process we will submit our willingness for his association

  46. Mr. Annonymous, I agree with you.If Mohanrangam supports & contributes for the benifit of all IPOs there is no harm to join his association.Mr. Permanad now you should not worry for support.As suggested by Mohanrngam pl. wait for 1-2 weeks and see the result before filing the CAT case. For contributions we must contribute. Some IPOs are not able to remmit donation due to ending of financial year.Most of the IPOs must donate.You should not worry for the finance.
